WW1. Western Front Distinguished Conduct Medal & 1915 star. Killed in action. William Liggins. R.E.
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1915 star named to 6612 SPR. W. Liggins. R.E.
DCM correctly impressed to 6612 SAPR. W. Liggins. 1/W.Lanc.F Co. R.E. (1st West Lancashire F Company. Royal Engineers.
Gazetted 11.3.1916. 'For conspicuous gallantry. He bandaged two wounded men after extricating them from a dug-out in which they had been buried during a heavy bombardment, and when they were again buried, he again rescued them and got them into safety and finally to the dressing station.'
He was later killed in action on 18/3/18 and is remembered at the Gorre British & Indian Cemetery. Pas de Calais.
William Liggins is also entitled to the war and victory medals, which were issued but marked as returned on his Medal Index Card. This is most likely because the pair were unable to be delivered and they would have been destroyed after a holding period making this pair his only available entitlement.